Dr. Jennifer Zepf   

Jennifer Zepf, D.O.

Assistant Professor
Department of Medical Sciences

As a faculty member within the Medical Sciences and Pathology departments, Dr. Zepf serves as Clinical Director of the Molecular and Cellular Principles course and Design Team Leader of the Developing Human course. In addition, Dr. Zepf leads the integration of pathology and laboratory medicine content within the SOM’s Phase 1 and Phase 2 curriculum.

Dr. Jennifer Zepf trained in Pathology at the Weill Cornell-New York Presbyterian Medical Center in New York City and is a Board Certified Clinical Pathologist. Throughout residency, Dr. Zepf devoted herself to resident education and served as Chief Resident. Her passion for pathology and a patient-centric approach has underpinned her career in undergraduate medical education. In 2017 Dr. Zepf was recognized by the American Medical Association as an Inspirational Physician in the Women Physicians Section (WPS). She is most passionate about the incorporating laboratory medicine content in an active learning environment and the potential this holds for improving patient care.


  • D.O., Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine
  • B.S., Saint Mary’s College

Jennifer Zepf, D.O.

Interprofessional Health Sciences Campus

Call: 973-275-4312


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